Sabre Campus Safety Pepper Gel, BLK Hai

Maximum stopping power: In-house laboratory guarantees maximum heat, every single time, eliminating the 30% failure rate experience with other pepper spray brands (University of Utah study) plus UV marking dye aids in suspect identification.

Pepper spray brand trusted by police and customers worldwide: Including New York, Chicago PD, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s & US Marshals; made in the USA and ISO 9001:2008 certified with a 4-year shelf life from the date of manufacture.

Enhanced safety: Pepper gel virtually eliminates wind blowback and only affects what it directly contacts, plus it offers a 20% greater range (12 feet/4 m) for protection at a safer distance.

Protection against multiple Threats: Contains 25 bursts (up to 5x other brands) in a compact key case with finger grip for enhanced aim and product retention; Quick Release Key Ring provides access to spray while keys are in ignition or lock.

Product Code: HC-14-CPG-BK-US

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Sabre Campus Safety Pepper Gel, BLK Hai

  • Views: 1729
  • Brand: Sabre
  • Product Code: HC-CPG-BLK-L
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R245.00

Tags: Less Lethal, Pepper Gels