Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum, K-Frame Series, Model 66 Combat

The K-Frame revolver is one of the most important innovations in Smith & Wesson history and was built specifically to handle the .38 S&W Special cartridge. Since its introduction in 1899, the K-Frame has been a favorite for military and police professionals as well as target shooters and enthusiasts.

Return of the K-Frame .357 Magnum

all-Detent Lock-Up

2-Piece Barrel

Full-Length Extractor Rod

Product Code: 10061

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Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum, K-Frame Series, Model 66 Combat

  • Views: 1128
  • Brand: Smith & Wesson
  • Product Code: FSW-10061
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R24,300.00

Tags: Handguns, .357 Magnum