Taurus 1911, 8 Round/2MG, .45 ACP

Destined to become the standard that all 1911 pistols are compared to, the Taurus 1911 offers you the most accurate and feature-laden model on the market today. Starting with our own hammer-forged-not cast-ordnance-grade steel frames, slides, and barrels.

Our skilled pistolsmiths hand-fit and assemble each firearm in our state-of-the-art factory. Now available in 9mm, this aggressive, rock-solid firearm is ready to go right out of the box. The 9mm Taurus 1911 is an unbeatable firearm that also provides an unbeatable value.

2 x 8 Round Magazines

Product code: 1-191101FS

For more information visit:https://www.taurususa.com/pistols/taurus-1911/taurus-1911-tm-45-acp-matte-black-full-size


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Taurus 1911, 8 Round/2MG, .45 ACP

  • Views: 2547
  • Brand: Taurus
  • Product Code: 10024912
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R18,800.00

Tags: Handguns, .45 ACP